Время работы
10:00 - 21:00
Нужна помощь?

Computer and Smart phone repair

Aldwych, London

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Consectetur adipiscing elitroin sagittis neque sed risus faucibus ut tristique massa accumulla aliquet nunc a libero tincidunt laciniaullamd scelerisque faucibus utstique agittis neque sed risus faucibus ut trattiin sit amet tempus enimenean nec semfeugiat sem semper pretium nontesque eget nec lectuulla malesuada acarcu uisimperdiet laciniaullamd scelerisque.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Diagnose, troubleshoot and repair devices.
  • Provide repair and replacement estimates to customers.
  • Customer service experience at retail store.
  • Diagnose, troubleshoot and repair devices.
  • Diagnose, troubleshoot and repair devices.
  • Provide repair and replacement estimates to customers.
  • Customer service experience at retail store.
  • Diagnose, troubleshoot and repair devices.

Our Requirements

  • 4-5 years of writing and editorial experience in technology.
  • Ability to work both independently.
  • Customer service experience at retail store.
  • Positive attitude and demonstrates passion for marketing.
  • Diagnose, troubleshoot and repair devices.
  • Provide repair and replacement estimates to customers.
  • Customer service experience at retail store.
  • Diagnose, troubleshoot and repair devices.

Apply for the job

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